Get to Know the Facts That You Need to Address with the Use of Arsenic Filters
Arsenic is a semi-metallic compound that can enter your drinking water supply and contaminate it. The chemical properties of arsenic do not allow it to dissolve readily in water therefore it only enters the water supply from industrial operations or agricultural areas. The reason you need to use arsenic filters at home is because you will not be aware of arsenic presence even if it is in high concentrations. Although it is hazardous to health, it does not produce any apparent change in appearance, smell or taste of water.
The use of arsenic filters helps prevent you and your family from a number of health issues caused by consumption of arsenic. High concentrations of arsenic cause stomach upsets, nausea and vomiting. Continuous exposure to water containing high levels of arsenic may lead to increased risk of developing bladder, kidney and liver cancer. You can remain safe from the damaging effects of high levels of arsenic in drinking water with the use of these filters.
Most arsenic filters available in the market effectively remove arsenic and purify your drinking water from a number of harmful contaminants. These installations can be found as countertop and under-sink systems. A majority of arsenic filters feature multiple stages of filtration to provide protection against a wide variety of impurities and health hazards.
A typical arsenic filter may contain carbon cartridges to get rid of volatile chemicals, pesticides, chlorine, water treatment by-products, sediments, particulate matter and microbial growth. These filter cartridges are also effective to remove contaminants that cause considerable changes in water quality including taste, smell and appearance.
Arsenic content in water is removed using a special ‘arsenic resin’ media. The resins are highly porous materials which are packed with granular ferric or iron oxide. The resins allow arsenic to be adsorbed on the surface of iron oxide leaving you with water that is free from toxic arsenic. This method is also referred to as ion exchange and is frequently employed in arsenic filters to achieve the removal of arsenic.
There are a number of other filtration techniques that can be employed to remove arsenic from drinking water. The use of reverse osmosis and activated alumina is also known to reduce arsenic content. The technique of ultra-filtration or reverse osmosis removes arsenic from drinking water with the use of high pressure and forcing water to move through a selective finely porous membrane that retains arsenic. A few arsenic filters also feature micro-pore filters to remove finely suspended particles in water such as sediment, silt, dirt, rust and other insoluble particles and give you clearer water.
Activated carbon is the most preferred filter media for support with arsenic filters. When water flows through filter cartridges containing activated carbon, a large surface area is available for contaminants to get adsorbed on the surface. This results in purer and cleaner water which is free from chlorine, and volatile chemicals. This media also helps arsenic filters eliminate offensive taste, foul smell and tainted appearance of water.
Arsenic filters are very adjustable and can be connected easily to any kitchen faucet. Countertop systems are especially popular among the homeowners as they are not only attractive but give them a chance to switch between filtered and unfiltered water with a simple push of the diverter valve.
Under-sink arsenic filters are a good option for people who don’t like their filter systems to be visible. Both countertop and under-sink system are easy to install, use and maintain. The filter kit features all accessories you need to hook up your filter in place and you don’t need to have any plumbing changes done in your kitchen.
Arsenic filters are generally safe to use as they do not release any harmful chemicals or by products into drinking water after purification. These systems are popular in all home settings for their ease of use. You should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to know the exact schedule when you need to get filter cartridges replaced. This is particularly important because arsenic remains hidden (does not produce changes in water quality) and may not be removed completely from drinking water if your cartridges fail to function effectively.
You can select a complete filter system that works to remove a broad range of impurities. Arsenic filters give you an opportunity to provide your loved ones with clean and safe water that takes good care of their health. The reduction of arsenic content in water with the use of these filters will make sure you don’t have to worry about your family’s health again.